Changing lanes toward open science: Openness and transparency in automotive user research

Ebel, P., Bazilinskyy, P., Colley, M., Goodridge, C. M. , Hock, P., Janssen, C., Sandhaus, H., Srinivasan, A. R., Wintersberger, P.

Adjunct Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI). Stanford, CA, USA (2024)
ABSTRACT We review the state of open science and the perspectives on open data sharing within the automotive user research community. Openness and transparency are critical not only for judging the quality of empirical research, but also for accelerating scientific progress and promoting an inclusive scientific community. However, there is little documentation of these aspects within the automotive user research community. To address this, we report two studies that identify (1) community perspectives on motivators and barriers to data sharing, and (2) how openness and transparency have changed in papers published at AutomotiveUI over the past 5 years. We show that while open science is valued by the community and openness and transparency have improved, overall compliance is low. The most common barriers are legal constraints and confidentiality concerns. Although research published at AutomotiveUIrelies more on quantitative methods than research published at CHI,openness and transparency are not as well established. Based on our findings, we provide suggestions for improving openness and transparency, arguing that the motivators for open science must outweigh the barriers.