At TU Delft, during 2014β2018 I was a member of the 3mE PhD council. Within this position, I co-organised many lunch lectures on topics related to academia and industry, as well as well-being (for example, a finisher of the 3100-mile running race Pradeep Hoogakker gave a talk on the importance of mental health). During my PhD, I was also a member of the Research Council of HFAuto, where I served as a link between early-stage researchers and managers of the project. To contribute to the academic mobility and career development of academics in the EU, I became a member of the advisory board of the EURAXESS project TOP IV.
To contribute back to the community that allowed me to conduct my PhD research, I became an active volunteer of Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA). In 2017, I organised a series of 20+ webinars on the topic of connecting the worlds of academia and industry (playlist with webinars). I also took part in the organisation of several sessions at the General Assembly and Annual Conference events of MCAA.
During 2017β2021 I was a chair of the Bridging Science and Business (BSB) working group of MCAA. Since 2021 I have been a vice-chair of the working group. I was the main organiser of MCAA Bridging Science and Business workshops in Gdansk, 2017 (50 people) and Paris, 2018 (70 people), Kyiv, 2019 (40 people), Berlin, 2019 (image on the left, 100 people), Istanbul 2022 (30 people), session Environmental impact of transportation on Europe at ESOF 2018.
Since 2022, I have been a treasurer (and a member of the excom) of MCAA. In recognition of my academic output and active participation in the life of the association, in 2018, MCAA awarded me with the Best innovator award. Since 2025, I have been representing MCAA in RESAVER.
I am a volunteer of the Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA), of which I was the Director of Research and Innovation (2019β2021). In 2021, I organised a workshop on the topic of research and academic exchange during the pandemic. I coordinated the development of research guidelines for young academics. In view of my active participation in the life of the association, in 2018, EMA awarded me with the Alumni award.
As an avid supporter of open science, since 2019, I have been a participant in Open Cloud for Research Environments (OCRE). I was involved in the workshop to discuss the structure of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). I strongly believe that all anonymised output of all research must be accessible by the public by default (after all, we are doing science for the people). I publish all my articles in open access. Whenever possible, I keep datasets to all of my publications in open access at the 4TU.ResearchData data repository. At TU/e, I am one of the of the leaders of OSC/e (Open Science Community Eindhoven), where I serve with 0.1 FTE.
Together with my friends in Poland, and Ukraine I raise money and buy supplies to give direct support to civilians who are now risking their lives to protect the liberty in Ukraine. It all started with us searching for components of bulletproof vests for medics and local defenders assembled by our volunteers in Kharkiv. Read more and see how to donate. Since 2017, I have also been a member of PGA Ukraine.