It is not always just one road user: Workshop on multi-agent automotive research

Bazilinskyy, P., Ebel, P., Walker, F., Dey, D., Tran, T.

Adjunct Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI). Stanford, CA, USA (2024)
ABSTRACT In the future, roads will host a complex mix of automated and manually operated vehicles, along with vulnerable road users. However, most automotive user interfaces and human factors research focus on single-agent studies, where one human interacts with one vehicle. Only a few studies incorporate multi-agent setups. This workshop aims to (1) examine the current state of multi-agent research in the automotive domain, (2) serve as a platform for discussion toward more realistic multi-agent setups, and (3) discuss methods and practices to conduct such multi-agent research. The goal is to synthesize the insights from the AutoUI community, creating the foundation for advancing multi-agent traffic interaction research.